Thursday, September 26, 2019

Street Festival '19 / Fun Band

The town of Orange has a Street Festival the first Saturday every September and this year the Music Room had a number of associated activities. Some were under a tent outside in front of the building and others were inside. 

The first event was the Fun Band, which is a group we've had meeting for number of years. We're all retired, play various instruments in various other groups, and use books I've put together of mostly traditional, pop, and hymn tunes. Our most frequent performance venue is the local nursing home.

Here is the whole group

Bill plays both tuba and harmonica

Here's Mike on viola, Jenny on violin, Judy on ukulele, and Hank on guitar 
Here's Karla and Teresa on vocals, Joanna and Don on recorders. and Joe on cello

Here I am on guitar and singing

Here's a nice closeup of Teresa

and a nice closeup of Don

This family sat on the steps of the Music Room listening to our entire set, helped pass out songbooks, and insisted on making a donation to thank us for the music
And here is a pic of our most enthusiastic singalonger

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